Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Rams Stay Truuuu

I am sure most people have heard about the trouble in Ferguson, where an unarmed teenager named Micheal Brown was shot while ROBBING a store and people are outraged. Tight end Jared Cook and receivers Kenny Britt, Stedman Bailey, Chris Givens and Tavon Austin took the field against the Oakland Raiders sporting a "hands up gesture to show there support to the family of Michael Brown who was shot while robbing a store. 

Ferguson Missouri is just ten miles away from the stadium, so many of the Rams player felt as if they should show there support, and disgust with the actions of Darren Wilson (the police officer who shot Michael). These gestures have sparked heated debates in the sports world. Several sports experts support the player decisions, and say they did the right thing for standing up for what they believed in. "As far as the choice that the players made, no, they were exercising their right to free speech," Rams coach Jeff Fisher said Monday. "They will not be disciplined by the club nor will they be disciplined by the National Football League as it was released today." sports analysts believe the gesture was a little over the top. The reason many people feel the gestures were too much is because there have been several riots, murders, rapes etc. in Ferguson lately and people believe we should turn away and ignore these people. 

The Rams players not being punished was definitely the right thing to do because people should never be denied there right of peaceful protest or free speech no matter who they are, or how many people are watching. What the Rams players did was courageous and they should be praised for there courage, not punished for expressing themselves. Several police officers are suggesting the Rams are "Trying to start trouble" or "Feeding the fire", this may be true but officers should not try to strip the players from their rights. A peaceful protest is perfectly fine in my book and in the United States Constitution. Jared Cook, Kenny Britt, Stedman Bailey, Chris Givens and Tavon Austin should keep standing up for what they believe in.

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